Nicotto Town


Hello guy' are you today?

I want to be fairy in next blog I will tell you

my fairy what is you'r fairy....???


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2012/03/25 23:26
The chat in English is tense, and it is difficult, and get impatient; and great w
Were not you worthless?
Are you all right?
I was glad.
Bye for now
2012/03/25 22:36
I am fine thank you, and you?
Is "I wanna candy" the song which who sings?
Though I want to hear it, I am not found even if I search it.
And, do you know a supervisor of "The Secret World of Arrietty?"
His name is called Hayao Miyazaki.
"Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" of his first supervision work is one in the movie which I love.
It is the motion picture which was shown when I was born.
Therefore do not you know it?

"Puss in Boots" of a shown movie is a pleasure soon.
Are you interested?
2012/03/25 21:55
Thank you for your coming and messege.
I wish you would often viset me.
2012/03/25 19:47
Hello, Pinky How are you today?
I understood that I said that there were many movies which I did not watch than I thought.
The list of movies which I already watched.
Thinker Bell 1&2
Alice In Wonderland
Peter Pan
Toy Story 1,2,3
Happy Feet
Kung Fu Panda
Ice Age 1,2,3
Harry Potter 1,2,3,4,5,6
Harry Potter read the japanese original.
Though even the original book reads, it takes time.
I am glad that I can enjoy it though I am serious while studying English.
List of movies which I do not yet watch.
Never Say Never
The Princes And The Frog
Monsters VS Aliens
Bed Time Stories
Open Season3
Above all, the movie which I want to see most " Hop".
But this movie has not been yet shown in Japan.
It seems to be from August that it is shown in Japan.
I am very long in coming.
You will be seen than me earlier, please tell an impression.
There was the title of the movie which I did not know.
The sense possible movie is very splendid in other world.
2012/03/25 16:26
hello .. I like many fairy one of this is
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  ! !  iヽx=ミメ ノ ノ トイ::ハ ! i j i ! ノ  ! /
  i i   イトイ::;ハ   , 弋)ソjイ/ /ハ   i′
  ヽVヘ  '.弋)rソ , -‐ 、   ノイイ |  ;
   ヽヽヽ ヘ    ∨  j   .イ´  j/ ,'!  ,′
      \\ \ー- ... ニ´ ィヘ |    ./ !i /
       \\ X´{ヽ.   ∧ i   / ノノ′
       //ヘヘ  /ノ  ヽ. /

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