Nicotto Town


Okay, I'm finally on here and am waiting for minal to get here~

I bet she's not even awake yet and it's like 11 am. xD I woke up at 8 again~

I can never seem to get up on the weekends before 11, but on the weekdays I'm up as early as 7. O.O I know. I need help. But I go to bed the same time everyday. 12. So.....?

Oh, I finally got the G-Dragon Solo Album, Heartbreaker~

(+ I finally downloaded Beautiful - Akon feat. BoA)

Hearbreak is amazing~ When I get back on the proper account on this computer, I'll make it into a CD (+ I need some blank CD's first~!!!)

I really am bored.

I notice when I'm bored I get up and start running around. >.> it's weird, cause I would have.....wait, no, I think I did that last year too. xD

Don't you love the awesome Lipstick? xD I really didn't have a clue what I was doing. I was lost in town (you'd get lost too if you didn't know Japanese) and I saw this booth, and I'm like, 'What the Heck, maybe this is the thing Minal was talking about' so I went, and pressed random s (actually I think Minal told me the ones for this too XD) and then I got lipstick~


2009/08/20 01:03
Haha, you are very right, I wasn't awake

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