Nicotto Town


(Music: In My Place - Coldplay)

Unlike Minal, I blog for a reason.

That reason is to rant at no one in particular.

I was supposed to fast today. Fasting is a Religious time of the year when all muslims must starve themselves for a month. The meaning of this is to see what the poor and unlucky people around the world feel like when they have no food. We're not even allowed water. You're allowed to eat before sunrise and after sunset.

(The Scientist - Coldplay)

Well, my brother's friends are over for a sleepover, and they went to bved last night at 2AM. >.> Mom told me I have to go to bed aftre I get them ready for bed. And they kept telling me: "Oh, go to bed~ We'll be fine!" >.> yeah right. 

And because you are allowed to eat before sunrise, If I want to eat (Music:  A Rush of Blood To The Head - Coldplay) so I can survive that day, I'd have to wake-up at 4:30AM. (I hate when we have to fast during the summer, the fasting is sooo long~!!!!), and since i went to sleep at 2, you see what happened.

It's not like I can't fast, but I'd die by 4PM, so Imma get some good sleep tonight so I can wake-up before 5!

:D DOn't you just LOVE religious events?


So, here goes me ranting and 100 points.

2009/08/23 12:00
Hahaha, yes you are much better because you blog for a reason :)

And aw, at least it's just a month! You'll get through it :D!

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