Nicotto Town

Pacific Mall

Today Hana, Minal and I went to Pacific Mall~

We kinda only went to one shop since my mom started feeling really really bad. I actually thought it was going to be serious like her appendix brust or something.

So, we went in and Minal showed us this shop and I spaazed.

D: I was said since the Ken album wasn't their, but it was cool. I actually saw some fanboys. Like hardcore fanboys. Talking about Koda Kumi. ;P

I saw an ARASHI consert (+ THE TIME CONCERT~!!!!!) I wanted it soooo badly, but I needed the money for school supplies. Since we left like 10 minutes after we got in, my dad promised to take us next Wednesday. If I work their minds right, I could probably get an extra 10-15 dollars from them. Then I'll have 30 + w/e in my awesome heavy pouch of change.

Now, here goes 100C into my account~

2009/08/28 11:38
LOL those fanboys XD
Were they really talking about Koda Kumi? I woudl've started singing taboo ;)

w00tw00t for 100 :D

You have nice stuff ! :O I'm so jealous *flail*

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