Nicotto Town


haha xD

By the time Minal reads this, she'll be back from Quebec and I'll have so more money (that, and we'll be at Pacific mall~).

I'm dead tired today! We have wuest coming over, so my mom made me clean the WHOLE house. -_____- like, the WHOLE thing. She was busy cooking (she'll still cooking actually). I'm fasting to, so it was extra hard!

I really have nothing else to say~

Here goes another 100C~!!

PS - does that pink t-shirt make my person look fat? O.o? I only have like two shirts. I so have to go shopping.

2009/09/02 11:33
D: cleaning sucks.
I'm hungry.]
uhh.. yeah.

Today I learned that boy in spanish is muchacha. No wait.. Ithink it was girl :|

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