Nicotto Town


the weekend

finally.. it is the weekend...
unfortunately i have to work, but still somehow it is a relief that it is here...

what are you doing for your weekend?

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i hate cleaning... until i actually start cleaning...

after i begin cleaning, i havve to do everything perfect. i have ocd... i'm lazy perfectionist....

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a new pair

my old pair of contacts was bothering me... i had even accidentally smudged it with my eyeliner....

so i went to open a new packet and found out that...

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ah so much to do.. or so i thought.

surprisingly i had written so much and had forgotten how far i had gotten.

i was so focused on the prolouge that...

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new job

so it wasn't so bad...

i spent the night basically watching a person sleeping while watching tv and doing puzzles to stay awake...

i got hungry thou...

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