Nicotto Town

英語:BlogTopics in English

[Topic: Writing.]

Translated list of blog topics - if you are an English speaker on Nicotto, this may be helpful.

日記 = Diary
10代 = 10 years old
20代 = 20 years old
30代以上 = 30 years old and up
ニュース  = News
グルメ = Gourmet
レシピ = Recipe
ファッション = Fashion
美容/健康  = Health/Beauty
ペット/動物 = Pets/Animals
恋愛 = Love/Romance
仕事 = Work (しごと)
アルバイト = Part time job
学校  = School
勉強 = Studying (べんきょう)
テレビ = TV
映画 = Movie (えいが)
音楽 = Music (おんがく)
マンガ  = Manga
アニメ = Anime
お笑い = Comedy
ゲーム  = Games
占い = Fortune
人生 = Life (じんせい)
家庭 = Family (かてい)
友人 = Friends (ともだち)
子育て = Raising Children (こそだて)
ショッピング = Shopping
スポーツ  = Sports
レジャー/旅行  = Leisure/Travel
小説/詩  = Fiction/Poetry (しょうせつ/し)
自作小説 = Your Writing (しさくしょうせ)
アート/デサイン = Art/Design
パソコン/インターネット = Computer/Internet
車/バイク = Car/Bike (くるま)
その他 = Etc (そのた)

(The second group are Nicotto-specific topics. I might translate those later.)

2013/09/06 01:19
Thank you so much Alice!! I'm not good at writing English but I can read a little.I wish this conversation help us studying.

これから よろしく おねがいします ;-)
2013/09/05 17:40
Hola Surume! Yes, I'd like to be friends. I am studying Japanse but I don't know very much yet.
2013/09/05 15:07
Hello!!My name is Surume.Nice to meet you.
I'm very interested in you because I studying English and interested in Spanish.
Would you be my friend if you don't mind :)

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