Nicotto Town


i need internet

so i've been putting off cleaning my room and packing it up..

however, the minute i figured out how to get great internet, i decided to find my really long eternet cable to connect to the internet...

the only problem was that the cable was somewhere in my room.

so i spent the next hour or so cleaning my room just so that i could find it..

and i did! so now i have internet <3

bring on the music...

so the next technological problem to get done is to fix my other laptop.. i so don't want to spend money on a new battery... :(  oh well... at least i have a function computer and internet...

i just can't game for a while :(

2013/07/29 21:51
I hope to be able to quickly repair laptop computer
2013/07/29 20:44
but and gorgeous, its also must be very beautiful. kkk
2013/07/29 19:26
It is good to be easy to memorize to a slight degree.

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