Nicotto Town



No Nukes Yes RockなR水素 Future now! @WorldShift Actions(改訂版)

 公開日: 2012/06/13

R水素ネットワーク代表、江原春義による約25分のプレゼンテーション(2011年1­0月30日 WorldShift Actions)

R水素(Renewable Hydrogen)は、水の中にある水素と再生可能エネルギーをマッチングさせる、持­続可能なエネルギーのかたちです。再生可能エネルギーと水と水素と酸素がクルクル永遠­に回る「R水素サイクル」。R水素は、すでにある技術の組み合わせで実現できます。世­界のさまざまな地域で、R水素のプロジェクトがはじまっています。

「気候変動や資源の争奪戦の根底にあるエネルギー問題など、地球規模の問題を解決する­技術や智慧はすでにあり、政治を動かす力が必要」という想いから2009年にNPO R水素ネットワークを設立。同団体の代表理事として活動している。


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presented by Haruyoshi Ebara*

The story in brief:
Renewable Hydrogen: The convenient truth of energy

Renewable energy cannot always promise a constant supply of energy and it cannot be stored. This is where hydrogen enters the renewable energy equation as an energy carrier (and storage method) to maximize the usage and potential of renewable energy.

The talk will take the audience through a walk into a new civilization that has shifted from the conventional use of fossil fuels and nuclear to a renewable energy and hydrogen based society which is quickly becoming a reality. The talk will not list up the problems with our energy structure but focus more on how renewable hydrogen is actually simple enough to place in our backyards. At the end of the talk the audience will understand energy with a wider concept based on life and not limited to the meaning of electricity.

*WorldShift Actions is an organization based on the philosophy of WorldShift Network to switch to a more sustainable society. It works on collaborations among students, politicians, and various civil societies.

*Haruyoshi Ebara is the founder and chairman of International NPO Renewable Hydrogen Network (RH2 Network) established in 2009 to educate and create a movement towards an energy shift with an emphasis on renewable hydrogen.

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