Nicotto Town

Harsh reality... :p

Yesterday, I went to a two-hour introduction lecture for a Japanese cram school with a course for Japanese returnee students and Japanese students aiming for a college in Japan. Of course I didn`t have any intention of joining the cram school since my family doesn`t have the money for it, but listening to the spokes person of the school talk about  how students like me need to study in order to get to a good college. 

As expected of a company making profits through teaching, they had good sources that I wasn`t able to get through my researching, and i must admit that those sources made me feel more insecure than ever. I thought I knew how hard it is to get into a college in Japan even if it s a foreign language college, but I still underestimated it.
The spokes person`s main point was that tests like SAT and  TOEFL doesn`t really make my going into college easier. I was devastated when I heard that but of course, even with that fact, I need to aim higher in both tests since its probably going to be one of the only things I can show to the colleges.

The main point, in the end, was in the Japanese essays and basic Japanese skills: both a factor that I lack greatly. I never really put efforts on making an Japanese essay, and I honestly don`t know how to make one, As for my Japanese skills, I am obviously below average for even an average Japanese middle schooler. There`s no doubt that I wouldn`t be able to make a essay that would be tolerated in a Japanese college, especially if its hand-written. I can barely write Kanji that is learnt in third grade elementary without looking though I can read it....

I really need to study harder to at least be able to write a resonable essay and, of course, make my SAT scores higher. An average score (for American highschoolers) won`t help me to get in a good college, taking my poor Japanese skills to account. 

Now, my problem is that I can`t seem to make myself study. I just get better and better at making excuses to myself for it, only to feel pathetic later on when its bedtime and I can`t keep my eyelids from falling. :(

2014/01/24 23:17
Hi, Frost!

How're you doing?
Thanks a lot for sharing your worries with us.
I'm impressed with your honest description of what's on your mind at the moment.

I understand you cannot help having a lot of worries about being admitted to college in Japan, and this is a serious concern for all the returnees who'd like to take entrance examinations to colleges and universities in Japan.
As you know very well, worrying about your future will get you nowhere.

All you have to do now is improve your English communicative competence.
Putting forth considerable effort to improve SAT and TOEFL scores is a very wise decision, because excellent proficiency in English will certainly give you a lot of benefits not only for increasing your probability of being admitted to Japanese colleges and universities but also for your bright successful future.

I suggest you make a gradual and constant endeavor to hone your Japanese because Japanese will be an indispensable part of your future.

2014/01/24 20:53
Hello, Frosty!
Writing or thinking at night makes you depressed.
"Tomorrow is another day" is my favorite words in the movie "Gone with the Wind".
Colleges in Japan offer you a large variety of exams now, so please search the way to enter colleges by yourself. You might find a good one.
Since you're in the first grade at high school, you have plenty of time to prepare for the test.
Don't worry ! I'm always with you! Hang in there!
2014/01/23 23:02
I thought you are so awesome! Of course, you thought japanese language difficulty. even though you can try and you can get good solve, I think.
in my case, my english poor, so i can't understand your sentences everything. But I wanna know your feeling.
So I writing it.
So, Japanese college (education) is strange, I thought.
You said you're right, because main is test result or TOEIC test score. they said who are stupid test result is all.
I can't stand it result of all.
of course i still get some problem, because of myself.

sorry about my puzzle english.

2014/01/23 13:30
I also make excuse to avoid studying, so I really respect mimigoo and kazuchan's attitude on studying English.
Other SESS members are teachers of English, but kazuchan and mimigoo are not.
Yet, they use English really well.
I have known them for more than a year, I can't believe their wonderful progress!!!
It shows that they have been studying hard.

For that reason, I believe you can make your dream come true because you are a really smart girl.
It's ok to have leisure time and some excuse.
You sometimes need such leisure time, which refleshes you.

Taking entrance examination of university in Japan needs collect much information.
Univercities usually have open-college days, you can see the atomosphere of the school and you also can ask some questions, some school offer you experienced-leaning program.

Do you have any plans to visit Japan before test ?

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