Nicotto Town


I registered the TOEFL test last month, and the date happens to be tomorrow. 

to be completely honest, I have completely forgotten about it until my younger sister reminded me. 

I already took the test once two years ago, and I remeber that all my energy was sucked by it. (my father who picked me up from the test loocation laughed that my face was pale)
The part I had he most difficulty was in the speaking. I remember that the question was easy, but I panicked when the timer counted down. ( I had one minute to think about the question and one minute to say my answer)
I got a good grade for it, but only because the computer broke down. I had enough time to calm myself and think about what I want to say. I guess luck was on my side that day.

Tomorrow, I don`t think the computer is going to break down for me. I wonder if I`ll be able to do it right with the countdown. 

I`m sure the test would be easier than SAT, though. (Thank god)

This whole week has been our school`s high schooler`s testing week., so the TOEFL would be my sixth test this week! What a headache. 

The problem is my sister. She`s in her middle school second year (in terms of Japan`s education) and this is her first time taking the TOEFL. I`m sure that with her knowledge, she won`t get a bad grade. However, she had actually forgotten her account password for her TOEFL account. She is currently in depression. lol

2014/02/24 10:19
I heard TOFEL is a very difficult test.
I think your parents want to know the result soon too.
2014/02/23 23:00
Thanks for cheering me on, Kobain. I really do hope that my Toefl grade will be one that I won`t regret. I just hope that its higher than my previous one two years ago. lol

I took my Toefl yesterday and I must admit, I still panicked in the speaking part. I believe I spluttered nonsense on that test. As expected, the computer didn`t break down for me. :(
I can just hope that my scores aren`t that bad. :)
2014/02/22 13:27
Hi Frost!
You must be taking the test with your sister right now. (Do you need account password to take the TOEFL?)
I took the computer TOEFL once when living in the U.S.
I know what you mean; adding to taking the test, I needed to drive back and forth by myself. Oh, I was cream-crackered! lol
For me, listening section was the hardest. The speed of their conversation was so high, and their pronunciation was not so clear.
Anyway, I hope you two do well with the test.
Good luck! :D
2014/02/21 23:37
Hi Frost! good luck~
you're sister also get it?
I have never try the TOEFL.
I hope you guys will good grade and not regret it

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