Nicotto Town























2014/03/10 14:07
Hi Frost! I missed you last night. X(
Wow! You have such wonderful surroundings and meet respectable people! I wish I would be there to experience things together with you. :D
I'm also VERY spiritual; many spiritual people gather around me. lol
I enjoy talking about spiritual matters more than ordinary stuff. I'm happy to find you're also interested in them! :D
I think Lala is also kind of spiritual. arie is learning about spiritual matters right now.
Like you, I believe in nature spirits and gods; cristals have so much power and so do plants...... I'm doing trans-work like charging my energy from the ground as well as the universe. I send my energy to people who need it.
Oh, I can't stop writing again! lol
Hope to see you next Sunday at SESS. :D
2014/03/09 01:33
I've heard of Dalai Lama's story from my mother, and I've met a person that had some connections with Dalai Lama himself. ( my mother's work seems like a magnet to many spiritual people!) He's such an honorable person! I was amazed when I heard the story of him predicting his rebirth so accurately.
I've also met a few people who claimed to have some memories from their past lives or researched about the theory of rebirth. Spiritual people have the most interesting stories! I always hang around to listen to their conversation with my mother every time I get the chance.
I also believe in nature spirits and gods as strongly as I believe in rebirth! Recently, I've learned that there are seven gods living in one grain of rice! Since then, I've become more careful to not leave even a peck of rice in my bowl. I can't believe how rude I was the past few years for leaving few grains of rice in my bowl! I wonder how many gods have I thrown away!
2014/03/08 15:24
Your mom is really a great mentor, Frost! :D
I agree with her totally; I think it's really important to live our lives to the full and improve our spiritualities.
Don't you know that Dalai Lama decided not to reborn? It's amazing "Dalai Lama" always has the same spirit, that means he reborned again and again to be Dalai Lama.
One of my close friends has a daughter, who was an angle before coming into this world. So actually, she doesn't need to reborn as a human-being this time.
Oh, I can't stop writing! I'm really interested in this stuff and I'm VERY happy to talk with you. :D
2014/03/08 14:59
Though I get many influences from Filipinos, rebirth isn't one of them. I believe in rebirth strongly since my mother always taught me about rebirth. She often says that I should live my life to the fullest so that I wouldn't need to be born again. It would be tiring to live again! She tells me that if i manage to achieve what I needed to achieve in this life, my soul can rest. On the other hand, if I don't, I would have to go through another life which will no doubt be harder than the one I'm living in now.
2014/03/08 13:46
I'm glad to know you also believe in rebirth. :D
Do you think that's because you have such splendid parents around you, or many Filipinos think this way?
I'm really curious about that, because I don't think many Japanese think about this matter seriously and don't have their own thoughts about it.
2014/03/02 23:19
Seeing my mother depressed or down from deaths f her patients is quite common for me. I often hear the stories of those patients who passed away from her. I guess the death of the down-syndrome girl and the neglected boy hit me harder than usual since their death was consecutive. Both my mother and I didn`t see it coming as well. The mention of their unexpected death made me realize the fragility of life very solidly.

The blog I mentioned has the title `自分の日常生活を見直すべきだな~と’.
It has a comment from you already, actually. :D
I also believe in the idea of rebirth and so does my mother. We both believe that people go through rebirth to improve themselves so my mother often tells me to live my life at fullest. I don`t believe that everybody goes through rebirth as humans all the time, though. :D
2014/02/27 07:27
Hi Frost!
Somehow, I couldn't open the blog site you mentioned here. :( Never mind. :D

I've come to believe in transmigration after reading some books about near-death experience, young children's memory of past lives, and "生まれ変わりの村" by Ken Morita. This book tells us about the people who live in some part of China all know about their past lives.
I believe all the soul continues our eternal journey to improve our spiritualities.
Those special kids must have gone through lots of experience and have really high spirits!

You really live a life seeing many aspects of others' lives. Keep informing us and make us think about various matters. :D
2014/02/26 13:07
I always say the same word to my daughter.
Nobody knows what happened in a moment and when we die.
Her grandfather passed away last summer.
It was the first time for her to see a person disappearing in front of her.
She and I were with him till his last breath.
I believe that his death taught her a lot.
My father showed what the life was through both live and death.
I think death aroud us enlighten us.
I know that you have already got much.

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